Company BIN number in Kazakhstan

Company BIN number in KazakhstanA business identification number or company BIN number in Kazakhstan is a unique number assigned to non-resident companies in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the possibility of conducting business or opening a bank account or accounts in the country. The need to obtain the above document is laid down in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, since if a non-resident, namely an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity, needs to participate in tenders, open a bank account in the territory of the state, operate in Kazakhstan, then tax registration is mandatory. The document confirming this action is a business identification number or BIN. All BIN numbers are stored in the national register of Kazakhstan. The responsible state body for data storage is the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the Committee on Statistics. On the websites of these government departments you can find BIN companies in Kazakhstan.

Tax registration gives a company or a non-resident individual entrepreneur an opportunity to gain full access to the trading market of Kazakhstan and increase the profitability of a business through international trade. Since Kazakhstan is a member of the EAEU and has a number of privileges (tax, customs) as a participant, it is very beneficial for the rest of the EAEU members to conduct trade activities with Kazakhstan or through Kazakhstan. Tax registration will be required to pay taxes if any tax levies need to be paid to the budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Registration of a company BIN number in Kazakhstan

The main obstacle for companies wishing to issue a BIN of a company in Kazakhstan is the need for a visit by the head of the company to Kazakhstan, as well as obtaining a TIN number in Kazakhstan by the head himself. Such difficulties confuse companies located on other continents. In the context of globalization of business and the sphere of providing corporate services, our company can take on this task and help you in obtaining all the necessary documents, namely:

  • Our lawyers form for you a complete list of required documents for obtaining a company BIN number in Kazakhstan;
  • They will help you to get a TIN number for the head of your company in Kazakhstan;
  • We will assist in affixing an apostille or carrying out the procedure of consular legalization of documents required to obtain a BIN number;
  • We will send the documents to the appropriate state structure to assign a BIN number to the company. We will answer all your questions.
  • We will receive and deliver the document to you through the delivery service to any point in the world from which there is a postal message;
  • The cost of the service is 400 euros, while the total cost, including additional services, is calculated based on the state in whose jurisdiction the company is registered.
  • The cost of delivery is not included in the cost of the service and is calculated based on the tariffs of companies for the delivery of documents and goods.

If you have any questions, write to us in the chat in the lower corner of the screen or send an e-mail, or use the feedback form, which you can see below, to send a message:



    Features of a registration of a company BIN number in Kazakhstan

    As noted above, when registering a BIN number, a prerequisite is for the head of the company to have a tax number assigned to individuals in Kazakhstan. The procedure for assigning a TIN number has no obstacles and can be carried out without the presence of a citizen by submitting documents by his representative, you can read more about the service here. Remote registration and efficiency in work makes the most demanded service of our company. Lawyers will provide you with written advice by e-mail and will always be in touch to resolve issues requiring the immediate intervention of a lawyer. Since our company operates on four continents and in thirty-two countries of the world, we can ensure continuous work with large companies and holdings.